1. Institut Perguruan Darulaman (IPDA) were helding the game carnival on 24/3/08 to 29/3/08. The game on the carnival are volleyball, sepak takraw, futsal, netball and basketball. The main objective for the carnival is to search for a new talent to represent IPDA on May 2008 Kejohanan Antara Guru Malaysia (KAGUM)-Permainan.
2. These carnivals are open for all IPDA students and each class sent their representative. It was men open for futsal and sepak takraw and open women for netball. However, for volleyball and basketball competition is opened to all participants.
3. The game was played in two session, evening and night. For the night session, the game played at the Dewan Besar IPDA. The evening session start at 4.30pm where as the night session start at 8pm. All game was held at IPDA except for the futsal event which has been held at Kg. Kelubi Futsall Court.The organizer of IPDA’s Carnival Game are students from unit PPISMP Second semester and The Students Council.
4. The result for the carnival was declared on the last day carnival and Tn Hj Ismail, the former IPDA’s vice president has been invited to gave the medal to the winners. The results for basketball men, the winner is Micheal Jordan A and in women category the winner is IPDA’s Girl. For volleyball event, the men category the winner is Caca Merba and women category the winner is Mercy Girl. For netball game, team PJ Girlz wins the game while sepak takraw, the winner is Orang Kampung team. And the winner for futsal game was Kemah Kemin B, the mix team of PISMP IPGM first semester students
5. The carnival was fully succeeded and had been walk smoothly along five days it was open. All students were showing their high spirit in sport by giving full cooperation and commitment. Hopefully this carnival will be IPDA’s anniversary event.
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