The Strengths and Weaknesses using KWLH Reading Skills.
· Promote the readers curiosity
· It allows students to build off of prior knowledge. By identifying and activating prior knowledge - such as every day knowledge of the government - students are activating their schema and preparing to add new things. This foundation is important.
· It allows students to drive the learning process. The second step, “What do I want to learn?” is crucial. This takes the power out of the teachers’ hands and places it with the students. They decide the appropriate learning outcomes.
· It comes with a built in assessment tool. If students can answer the final question - “What have I learned?” - Then they have learned something. By making this response corresponds to the second step - “What do I want to know?” - They validate the learning process and prove that the activity is in line with their objective.
· Motivating students to think of their individual information-gathering ideas such as: interview an expert, plan a survey, browse through newspapers, and conduct an experiment, asks the librarian for help.
· Help students or readers in focusing their attention during reading. (By using the “what you want to know?” questions).
· Did not work effectively for the students or readers who have poor prior knowledge. Because students cannot make relations between what they have learned previously and what they want to learn in the future.
· Not suitable for fictions reading. This is because it was a direct approach to gather information from the reading text.
· Need to work in groups for effective reading outcomes. Collaborations and opinions can create maximum learning objectives, so it’s not really suitable for individual reading.
· Students, whom did not have inquiry, will come out with poor reading results. This is because they lack of questioning skills to gather the information in reading text.
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